The Symposium Location: TechBase
The symposium took place at the TechBase location of AIT Austrian Institute of Technology.
Address: Giefinggasse 2, 1210 Vienna
AIT SmartEST Laboratory
A major component of the symposium’s programme was demonstrations — at the centre of these demonstrations was the AIT SmartEst Laboratory. The laboratory offers a comprehensive portfolio to test and analyse components and systems from small power electronic converters (up to 30kW) up to high power devices (up to 1MW). The laboratories enable the performance of standard-based test procedures on power system devices and renewable energy components as well as research and development on power converters, power system networks (on physical hardware and simulation, especially in the real-time domain) and ICT-related topics. The available equipment and services in the field of power system and smart grid applications offered to users make it unique in Europe. Despite the independent use of the facilities, they can be combined to get an expanded functionality of the overall research infrastructure.
How to reach TechBase
By Car
Coming from the A22 or the Nordbrücke: leave at A22 junction Floridsdorf and follow the B229. After crossing the Brünner Straße you are in Shuttleworthstraße, which passes into Siemensstraße.
Coming over the Floridsdorferbrücke: On Brünner Straße turn left into Katsushikastraße, at the 2nd crossing leave the street to the left towards Leopoldauer Straße. After approx. 1 km turn left again and drive along Heinrich-von-Buol-Gasse until the crossing Siemensstraße.
Coming over the Reichsbrücke: Drive along Wagramer Straße, turn left at the crossing Eipeldauer Straße (Bauhaus) and go ahead until TECHbase Vienna.
- Coming from the North: On Brünner Straße turn left into Siemensstraße or take Wagramer Straße and leave it right into Eipeldauer Straße. Either way the TECHbase Vienna is directly ahead.
By Public Transport
At the U6 terminal Floridsdorf: Take the Schnellbahn S1 or S2 heading north and leave at “Siemensstraße” station. There you may take the bus 31A towards Kagran for one stop and leave at “Giefinggasse” or take the bus 28A heading towards “Großfeldsiedlung” and exit the bus at the station “Heinrich-von-Buol-Gasse”.
At the U1 terminal Kagraner Platz: Take the bus 31A towards “Ödenburger Straße” and leave at “Heinrich-von-Buol-Gasse”.
The ÖBB SCOTTY system can be used to find public transport connections: There are apps for Android, iOS, etc. Please note that Google services do not provide local transportation connections.
From the Airport
By Car
Take motorway A4 heading for Wien | Graz | Linz until junction Prater. Change onto motorway A23 heading for Praha | Brno | Vienna-International-Center. Leave the A23 at junction Hirschstetten and follow Hirschstettner Straße over Kagraner Platz until reaching Wagramer Straße. There, turn right. After approx. 400 meters, take Eipeldauer Straße to the left. After about 1.5 km the street passes into Siemens straße and you reach Giefinggasse after another kilometer.
By Public Transport
Take the City Airport Train (CAT) or a train of the Schnellbahn S7, which will take you from the Airport directly to Wien Mitte-Landstraße. From there, lines S1, S2 or S8 head for station Siemensstraße. Leave the platform towards Leopoldauer Straße and you reach Giefinggasse after approx. 500 metres.
Recommended Hotels
Hilton Hotel Vienna [Link]
Am Stadtpark 1, 03. Landstraße, Wien
From there to AIT: Local trains from Wien Mitte, S1, S2 and some regional Trains to Siemensstraße. From there 5 min walk to Giefinggasse 2. Allow 20 mins in total.
Suite Hotel 900m zur Oper [Link]
Wiedner Hauptstraße 44, 04. Wieden, 1040 Wien, Österreich
From there to AIT: U1 Taubstummengasse direction Leopoldau to Kagraner Platz. Change to Bus 31A to Siemensstraße/Heinrich-von-Boul-Gasse. From there 2 min Walk to Giefinggasse 2. Allow 30 to 45 minutes in total.
Hotel Post Wien [Link]
Fleischmarkt 24, 01. Innere Stadt, 1010 Wien, Österreich
From there to AIT: U1 Stephansplatz in direction Leopoldau to Kagraner Platz. Change to Bus 31A to Siemensstraße/Heinrich-von-Boul-Gasse. From there 2 min walk to Giefinggasse 2. Allow 30 to 45 minutes in total.
Clima Cityhotel Vienna [Link]
Theresianumgasse 21a, 04. Wieden, 1040 Wien, Österreich
From there to AIT: U1 Taubstummengasse direction Leopoldau to Kagraner Platz. Change to Bus 31A to Siemensstraße/Heinrich-von-Boul-Gasse. From there 2 min walk to Giefinggasse 2. Allow 30 to 45 minutes in total.